episode 180 | Tax Season | Tax Reform | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件

episode 180 – tax season post-mortem

Rea’s sultan of taxation stopped by the unsuitable on Rea Radio studio to talk about this past tax season and who won and lost from the tax reform changes.

Another tax season has come and gone and we are left with a lot to consider. This was the first year we got to see the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in action and a lot of people, it seems, were caught off guard.

So in this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio, Chris Axene, Rea’s sultan of taxation, joins us to go over what the accounting industry noticed about this year’s tax season – the good, the bad, and the ugly – and how we can improve in the year ahead.

Winners & Losers

Whenever there is tax reform, there are winners and losers, and as we exit the tax season, we have a much clearer picture about who came out on top. One of the big winners is the small business owner with average annual gross receipts of $25 million or less for the three years prior, who is allowed to use the cash method of accounting. This is also indexed for inflation, so the threshold will be $26 million in 2019, meaning even more business owners will be able to benefit from this in the year ahead.

If you are pay taxes as an individual or a business, you will be interested in these other topics discussed in this episode:

  • Who is now paying more due to tax reform?
  • What’s up with qualified business income?
  • Where there are opportunities for businesses to save money in the 2019 tax season.


articles & insights

Want To Win Tax Season? – Want to take control of your business in 2019? Then it’s time to take control of your bookkeeping. Read on for more bookkeeping tips!

How To Avoid A Not-So-Pleasant Tax Return Surprise – Bookkeeping isn’t just about moving numbers around and making and receiving payments, it’s about understanding how your business works maximizing that. Keep reading to learn more.

Podcast | let’s talk about tax, baby! – Cindy Kula, Rea’s tax savant, joins Dave on unsuitable on Rea Radio to discuss tax season and how individuals can maximize their returns.

More Tax Scams, Really? – There is always a slew of scams to get your personal and financial information at any given time. Read on to find out what to look for so it doesn’t happen to you.

official transcript

Click here to read the official transcript for episode 180, “Tax Season Post-Mortem”